Eco Egg

Eco Egg


EcoEgg was founded by Dawn, who grew up battling eczema and sought a skin-friendly, sustainable laundry solution. She created detergent pellets free from harmful chemicals and designed the reusable Laundry Egg to house them, providing a gentle and eco-friendly alternative to traditional detergents.

Over the years, the Laundry Egg has evolved, now featuring sustainable kraft brown packaging with vibrant colours. This design reduces cardboard usage by 56%, aligning with our eco-values.


EcoEgg chose to sell on Amazon to reach abroader audience of eco-conscious consumers. Amazon’s extensive marketplace anddistribution network allows us to efficiently meet the demand for sustainablelaundry solutions, spreading awareness and reducing reliance on harmfuldetergents and single-use plastics.


For this challenge, we focused on effective vendor and seller management, product optimisation, SEO, and targeted PPC campaigns. By streamlining operations, improving communication, and providing technical vendor support, we ensured consistent product availability and optimised listings with compelling descriptions, high-quality images, and relevant keywords, significantly enhancing our search visibility and driving more organic traffic.

We also created content that clearly explained the benefits and use of our innovative Laundry Egg, helping to increase conversion rates. Detailed product descriptions and instructional videos highlighted its unique features and ease of use, addressing potential customer concerns and showcasing its advantages. This, combined with targeted PPC campaigns and the successful launch of the Dryer Egg, led to record growth for the product. This multi-faceted approach not only diversified our product range but also strengthened EcoEgg's market presence and overall sales performance.


In the last quarter, we achieved an impressive 95% growth in dryer egg sales, coupled with a conversion rate of 44%.

We have also expanded their Amazon product line to include a range of exciting new items such as Spongebob limited editions, scent boosters, washing machine detox tablets, and multipacks of the most popular products.

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